Sunday, December 17, 2006

I Can't Have Everything, Huh..?

Sometimes, i feel that it is VERY ironic. In Australia, lots of freedom, but no one to spend that freedom with. In Malaysia, Less freedom but lots of people to spend time with. ARGHHH!

have i been a bad daughter?

did i fail in my exams??

did i fail my semesters??

didn't i study hard??

didn't i make u prouD??

No matter what, i am always not good enough.

One question pops up,

" can i go out for new year's eve?"

and a harsh question comes shooting up.

"what is wrong with you?! we jst had the new house done and .. etcc.. "
(and i'm not even gonna mention christmas! - they're having their own parties with their friends for both occasions in the house)

What did i do wrong? Must every child in my family stand up and shout back to my parents only they'll give them what they want? is that what they want???! i am totally against that, but seriously,


is anyone reading this encountering a similar problem? what should i do? i'm 19.


Anonymous said...

Hey Babe. I know u are having a hard time with ur parents and freedom. But what can u do. Ur parents are just protective of u because of wat happen in the past. They dont want it to repeat again. But u are 19 and big enough to think for urself. Ur parents should trust ur judgement and not be all over u. But they are ur parents. The irony is since they are so protective of u, why would they send u all the way to australia where they cant look after u. The irony. And yeah there u get freedom but all ur close friend and bf is here. All i can say is hold in there or talk. talk always works. I dont think ur parents are unreasonable. They are just looking after u. But u are missing out on a lot of stuff. But they are ur parents so u gotta respect them. Muaksss

Chai Yee Lyn said...

bie : thanks bie.. yeah.. i have to talk to them. muaksss

Anonymous said...

melvin sounds very contradicting e.g. blabla ...but against blabla...then blabla again...but but..very cute i find!
well, no one will understand this more than me!? i guess, since i almost killed myself for that reason. u can try to find a way that pleases u and ur parents. negotiate. for me, quality conversation helped. i let them noe i grew up. offer to do many things independently. it takes time and god noes how long it took. but im 20. I guess its alright. u gotta alter their perception of 'coming home late' close to urs and pull ur perception close to theirs. cut down cuteness and increase maturity..lolz. it doesnt matter if u are a good girl n made them proud. whether we're 15 or 19, we're still restricted. Only when we can influence them, they'll give way.

Chai Yee Lyn said...

yan nee : oh my god, u have a good point. i should be more matured. although in a way i feel that, in this case it's more of "safety" reasons. like don't go out too late at night and bla bla bla.. but thank U! that's helpful info.

Eve said...

I may not have encountered such problems as yours and might not totally understand what you're feeling but I dare say that maybe you should try and understand your parents a little more and that they may have their own stress too. It might not be right for them to throw it upon you like that but like your friends have suggested, find a time to sit down and speak to them. If you behaved rashly before, I suggest you apologize first. That might help loosen the tension between your parents and yourself.


maybe they just want to be with you during important days such as christmas and new years. ;)

cheers. hope your problem gets solved asap.

Chai Yee Lyn said...

eve : thank u very much. anyways, i've solved the problem for christmas. i'm having a christmas party in my new house in the mines. u wanna come?? hope u can! i'll let u know in case u didn't see this message. see ya!

Eve said...

=( Ofcourse I wanna go! But i can't attend it >_< what time does it start? I probably have to leave for penang around 5 or so *sobness*