Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The End of the Year has Come.

Hmmmm, finally have some time to update my bloggggg!!! how is EVERYBODY.... who visits my blog.... ??? hehe..

got back from Melbourne Australia on the morning of 14th November. and a lot happened since then.......... hmmmm......... i've blogged a lot less recently huh..

well, it's been quite usual when i got back. my lovely lovely parents picked me up and drove me home and i ate my mommy's homemade minsin noodle soup! yum... omg, still can't forget that since i came back. i didn't stop talking in that car on the way home from the airport. i just kept talking and talking.. i miss my mom and dad. :)

then there was the occasional going out/relaxing the first 2 weeks after i came back. Then, it's all work work work, and busy busy busy! i really can't imagine how life'll be when we really start working. how do we cope??? with friends? family? loved ones? it's really 2/3 of your life gone. just for working! for now, i'm appreciating everything i have. My youth, my time, my life.

Friends? Here? We caught up i guess... still want to go out more often though. :) There're still many people i want to seee!

Had a trip to Pahang, organised by Benjy and Steven. It was alright! half was fun i guess. :) if more of the girls went, i think it'd be perfect. This is the first time melvin and i went to the beach together. we cycled along the sands, we sat in front of the waves at night, the splash of the water sounds so peaceful.. and i found, melvin was really competitive in games. he hates to admit it, but he is! my, was he active! it was like that time he was playing charades. Over-excited la. hehe, but i love it, he looked so cute. Just don't get over-competitve with me k!

another thought crossed my head this holiday and it's been very clear to me. How do you open up to someone you can't trust? i think the answer is, you don't. You just stay away. That is what i'm intending to do anyway. No point opening up just so that you can be treated like a fool right? there's one thing i really hate when people do it to me (not that many people do), i hate it when they tell a lie right, a lie that is so obvious that it is a lie, it's as if they think you're stupid! Basically, i just hate people who talk to you like you're stupid, be it the tone of voice or the things they're talking abt. anyway, ... yeah stay away and be careful!

Lately, i've also been thinking about people. How to deal with people. Thought about it a lot. I've been exposed to people who craves attention. Like loads of attention, like they'll die if they don't get any and taking any measures just to do it. or people who are two-faced and lie to just anybody. Like everyone's out to get them. One who lie about Every Single Thing. so, i was thinking, There must be a reason why i don't get along with certain people. Then, I've come to a conclusion, for me to get along with everyone, i have to accept them for who they are, respect them for what they do, cause there's a reason everyone is the way they are. So, i respect you for who you are. I accept you for who you are. I don't judge you for your past. Just respect me and don't be rude to me. Try not to lie, I'm not out to get you.

This is a happy new year that i've started off with. To everyone i haven't wished, happy 2008!!! It's been 9 days already and i haven't kept up with most of my new year resolutions. but things are still underway. :) most of them are about getting me into better shape of body, and of mind. i hope for a more independent self. and less worrying parents. worrying too much is not good anyway.

my lovely mommy! muaks!

will talk about more the next time!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I haven't been updating much. I think, mainly because of my camera. You see, that charger just stopped working one day. and i haven't been able to take pictures since. now depending on my video cam and loris's cam. hehe. Also i've been a lazy girl, and to update ppl about my everyday life when i'm at the "lazy" stage, just makes me feel useless and depressed (cause i haven't been doing much.).

at Seven.

hehe, so, i've decided to wait till that lazyness is no longer around. i don't dare to say it is now, but believe it or not, if i continue being like this, i'll fail, and i can't let that happen. Actually, that's quite believable. So..........

Still at Seven.

The midsemester holiday ended. Although i wouldn't say it was much of a holiday for me. I've left so much work till the end that now it's all time to catch up. But, the past week have been busy and at least a tad bit more interesting than the rest of the middle of the semester. :) I've had more life.

bbq turned indoor meal.

I've been labeled by someone who studies psychology to appear more like a collectivist but may actually be an individualist. i've forgotten the exact words she used, but A collectivist is more or less someone whose characteristics, behaviour and opinions are influenced by the way other ppl think. Like in a society. So the opinions of others actually make up how they are today. Most asians are collectivists. I wonder, are they more easily manipulated and submissive? Then an individualist is more often someone who strongly have his own thoughts and opinions and would very much stick to it and defend it. The downside to this, is that they appear more selfish.

fannie n i.

fannie's 20th.

i think i used to be a collectivist. But now, i'm half half. It's important to me to know that in the sense that i should know to stand up for myself. Now, when i think it's right, i do it. When it's not, i don't. Starting to, bit by bit la. hopefully, soon, i can do so without having to hold back a tear. hehe, just a day ago, i've been talking with a friend who seem to share the same problems as me. Experience the same things. we are so similar! She made me realise that life is more than what other people think. It's what you think. And the way she stood up for herself. I'm so proud of her. You know la who you are. hehe. We must let ppl know we are nice but not too nice to be stepped on, No-seri!
Anyways, one issue i've been thinking abt the past month was how to "juo ren". direct translation in mandarin is "make People" = become a person = become a person who can handle situations well. Like what to say and do at the right time. I'm still tackling with that.

People who are mighty close to me say that i don't THINK when i talk.

The consequences of that is certainly not good, especially for my future. We must consider how anything we say to someone impact them. For me to think so much, it's gonna take even longer for me to say sth to someone else at times where stressful situations and problems need to be resolved. These are crucial to giving people good impressions and letting them know you know how to handle situations. Also, not to hurt people's feelings.


Lantern Festival.

hmmm, been clubbing, Wii-ing, shopping, argueing....................... also the Lantern Festival hehe.. i miss moon cake. Lately, just been to Dracula's to have a carberet dinner. It was the bomb! The performers were really good at dancing, singing, making jokes, it's all very entertaining. Totally worth it to go watch even though it's a little expensive. But all in all, it's a 3 course meal. Ok la the food. so yeah........

i love this cany castle. Looks the ones i see in movies at the funfairs. hehe

The next day, went to the Royal Melbourne Show with Loris and Jiawen and Gemaine. Also with her sister and friends. Good thing they had coupons, so we get to sit all the rides twice for the price of one! hehehehe. We sat 3 rides all together. It all spins, and swings and ... just crazy! but it was fun to do all that once in a while. hehe. release your stress and tension!

Dracula's, the Carberet Dinner.


The alley.

That weekend, there was Benjy's birthday party. Spend the day trying to do as much work as possible before going. :) it was alright. I was great! i really looked up to Benjy and his ability to make so many friends in just a year. I gotta be more outgoing. hehe, there were like 25 of us all trying to fit in his living room. it was alright, he removed the chairs and tables, shifted them to the back alley. we hung out there for a while. it was fun all together.

Ian, Me, and Tob.

WengKin, Ian, Goh and Jureen were there too. We ate , and then went back to the living room and tried socialising with everyone. after a few games, we asked to excuse ourselves to go for a shishaaaa session. it was fun and engaging. just wish i was bettter. had a stucky flu and a cough. but all's good. But during that party, i was just looking at all the couples and that never made me fail to think about Melvin. How happy they are together. Whilst melvin and i are so far apart......................................

I love our Eyes..

anyways, all was good and we went back around 2.30am. We should have more. ;) Then we can complain more abt our architecture course and its workload ey, jureen??? hehe.

Goh and i.

Hmmmm... what else... the holidays was well spent, i guess.

Football/Handball Star.

Oh Choon Leong can make really good Bak Kut Teh leh, ppl!! hehehe, (don't worry, i won't give away your Secret recipe! ;)) you satisfied my BakKutTeh urge till i go back. i think. and thanks for dinner k??? Went to his house the other day. And i was rushin my work and he asked me to come down for dinner. how can isay no right??? Bak Kut Teh lehhhh..hehehehe

Jureen, Me and Lorisssss.

wth... why am i talking to ppl here like they're gonna read my blog?!??! (there's a wanting in my heart that they might.........hahaha. )

Benjy's Cake from Brunetti..


How is it that when one thinks that she could handle a relationship without depending on it so much in the beginning can feel so shattered when there's the thought that the relationship could end....

when melvin was here... and jin.

I hate having to feel like i depend on my loved one. Especially there comes time when u SUSPECT something is going on. And at such a faraway distance, i hope u understand why i have such paranoia. Now i know how you felt the last time. i'm trying to bring this feeling of dependence down a notch. Think i can do it?? perhaps find more things to do and not concentrate so much on the issue of love... although i hate to admit it, (cause my dad siad it so many times before) sometimes, love can be so distracting in our studies...

hmmmm, btw, let's bet how long it'll take for melvin to check on my blog after i post this up. heheehehe..

when melvin left..

On a random note,

Thanks ppl, for being there for me when i need you! I love you all! ciao......

Friday, September 07, 2007

Unconditinal Love

you know, you would think that there would be unconditional love between friends or loved ones. (xcept family, that's one true love!) i used to think such things do exist! but it seems now, what everyone does for another, they always hope for something in return. When they don't get any returns or special treatment from you, they STOP giving help, or whatever. I guess it is just another reality of life, it is only human to secretly want something back from someone else. i hate it!

ok i just checked the dictionary for the meaning of unconditional love and i think that doesn't mean what i'm trying to say. -_-" only a part of it. er, when you love someone, a friend, you will continuously check up on them right, ask to meet up, help them when they need help? you would assume that they would do that right? your friend would probably assume the same thing, right? if both keeeps assuming that, who's really gonna do it? what, if ur friend stops looking you up, you do the same? what if your friend keeps asking you for help and you don't want to help them cause u think u're on the losing end? ok that's Not Unconditional love. but really, it is only human to do what they think is right. if all you gave them before was a cheap cup of tea, i guess in the end, that's what you get. all the things we learn as a kid, in storybooks or those morale lessons, to help people when they need it, (that's exactly what we do), but don't expect something in return (when does that ever happen?)... unless of course, when you help someone on instinct, a stranger who dropped his books and pencilbox and keys and water bottle all at the same time. but on some friend, there's always somewhere in your heart where you think, ok now he OWES me. muahahaha.. i guess the morale lessons are possible to practice, in certain ways..

hmmm i guess it's called "keikhlasan". shit, what is that called in english? (i just read back what i wrote and man, i jump from here to there! will work on that.)

anyways, do you agree with me when i say , if u think too much, u won't get to it, cause then all you'd do is doubt. seriously, to think or not to think! sometimes spending too much time on ur own gets u to think of ridiculously almost anything. when u're doing your assignment, when you're doing your housechores, when you're walking back to the tramstop. YEELYN! stop thinking!! the past 2 weeks have been busy for me. all assignments that sometimes i have no time to go back home. at one point i didn't go back for 2 nights in a row. had to overnight in a friend's place where it's closer to uni, just to wash up and have short naps. i'm really feeling the torture in Archi-torture. (I like whoever invented this phrase ;)) but i won't say i've been angelic the whole time, i did stop by some shops and bought some things to cheer me up a bit. hehe, and also thanks to iris for the occasional chocolate muffins. yum!!! they really do fulfil your NEEDS.. chocolate... yummm...

until next time! feels good going on abt random stuff. :)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Wedding Ring. (short post)

i saw this wedding ring and i fell in love with it!

it is avril lavigne's !! .. it look so special. kinda like 2 in one but doesn't look like it's too much or too old.

ouhhh.. i love it...!

anyways, i need to get high. i've been sober for months. ;)

i'm not planning to get married anytime soon and i have never dreamed about how my wedding would be.. but now that i think about it, it's really nice just to fantasize. hehe.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Myself, Forgotten?

i've been thinking about something the past few days.

My freedom here in Melbourne has been one i've cherished eversince i came here. It's been 2 years since the first time i arrived and to be honest, i'm already immune to the freedom i have. Lately, my father called and it reminded me of who i used to be. it held me back in position. making me feel guilty.

i go out on weekdays. watch movie on weekdays. sometimes late at night. i hardly come back before 9pm anymore. (but for most of it, it's because of staying in the lab working all night.) naturally, that rule doesn't apply to me anymore!

D : hello, Linggg??

Me : yeah, ba, hello.

D : what are you doinggg??

Me : oh just watched movie with erge.

(it was a thursday night)

D : watching movie on a weekday?

Me : Ouh, because me and er ge seldom meet ma. today can meet so watch movie lo. hehe.

(er ge stays with his friends. not with me.)

D : oh, call er ge here.

(i passsed the phone to er ge)


next thing i know, my dad scolded er ge for bringing me out on a weekday-night. ...

i'm so immune to this i actually forgotten all bout curfew and all that! i know that, as a student in a foreign country, one must know his limits. i do! somehow i feel that going out on a weeknight till 11pm or 1 am is alright as long as you don't do drugs or do irresponsible drinking or do something that could jeopardise your future. what's wrong with watching movies or playing some games at a friend's house or just chatting outside, have a drink?

as long as you've done your work right?

i do try to understand the way they think but i'm sure they would feel and do exactly the same thing if they were studying abroad.

don't you think?

or have i forgotten myself?

how do i live life doing something i know couldn't harm anyone or myself but couldn't understand the rules my parents set for me of which i have to follow?

How will i ever get back to my life in malaysia?

sometimes i envy people with too much freedom.

oh by the way Chuck and Larry is hilarious! pls watch it..! hehe.

double dating.. hehe

lately i've also been thinking. I'm 20. TWENTY!! 20 years old. Ppl at this age would have gotten married and have children just 2 generations ago. and boy did they survive. i'm twenty and i haven't achieve anything important in my life! i'm starting to feel pressure to carry out my responsibility as a young adult to work on my career. where do i start? i do feel the urge to find out my dad is doing in the company or how people get rich or get a powerful career. but it's so hard! .. i do still want to be young and playful but when i get too much of that, i feel guilty. do u ?

i notice a bad habit i have. i know all my problems. i know what i should and should not do. i know all that. but i just don't do what i'm supposed to. and in the end, it depresses me. grrrr.

i'm just talking nonsense here. to get back to the flow of

blogging. so forgiveme, ppl if i suddenly jump here and there. :)

until next time! will have more on my previous birthday and the holidays. thanks to everyone who wished and celebrated with me! .. ( i know it's alil late now but i've been busy k!!)

Crappy Update. (sorry guys..)

it's been 3 months since my last post.

Things that happened from then till now.

My Birthday.

Melvin's stay in Melbourne.

Tammy and Laurence's visit in Melbourne.

Loris's return to Malaysia.

Fun Fun Fun.

Tammy leaves, Laurence leaves, and then.. Melvin leaves.

Fun time over.

Work and Assignment time.
till now..

i know this is a crappy post. but that's it for now. gonna talk and post more later! :)

forgive me!!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Few Days Before Submissions.

What i've been doing the past week.










Soon to be schedule :












Dream of Working.

I noticed that in this course, all u do is wonder WHEN i can get this tech work done. Or that history discussion over. or when to draw out that plan. will i have time to do this. when can i go to the lab. is the weekend enough. before i sleep, it's a routine i have to figure out and plan the first thing to do in the morning. u know, like when u're closing ur eyes? the few seconds before u sleeep? i thought i was the only one who does that. but nooo. me and my friends were just talking bout our day before that class and they said just that. maybe it happens to everyone. but wow, i just found out others do the thing i do, everyday.

anyways, busy busy busy. Work Work Work. Would probably be a lil Free-er after the 1st of June. :)

oh, Happy Birthday to Melvin!! the greatest bf i knowww!! muaksss bie!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


This song ROCKS.

Keep Your Hands Off My Girl - Good Charlotte.

Let the record play,
Let the record play,
Let the record play.

The way that you dance,
The way that you move,
The way that you stare at me across the room,

You carry Dior bags,
And you got your Chanel,
You wear Louis Vuitton, HG, and YSL,
Now I got what you need,
I got DCMA
I got brass knuckles hanging,
From my neck and my chain,
I got a model 26,
But she stays in her place,
I got a curve shirt neatly,
Tucked inside in my waist.

And the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
The hipster keeps mugging on me all night long,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl,
They say "Aha, ahha",
But the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl.

Now she sweating my friends,
And my hurricane shoes,
She likes the records I spin,
But out Adam Barton tattoos,
But she can't say "what's up",
So what does she do,
She just stays posted up,
The other side of the room,
I got AMC tattooed on my hand,
I got black wall street on a black bandana.

And the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
The hipster keeps mugging on me all night long,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl,
They say "Aha, ahha",
But the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl.

She, she, she don't wanna talk about it,
He, he, he wants to fight about,
Me, me, I don't wanna fight about it,
I just wanna be about it,
I'm just trying to stay about it,
Step out the wagon,
You know the boy starts to hate,
The girl that came with him,
They like that's not the boy she dates,
They get the fighting and swearing,
And now the boyfriend is staring,
The disco ball on the ceiling,
Looks like the chain that I'm wearing,
But the music keeps playing,

I got brass knuckles hanging,
from my neck and my chain,
I got brass knuckles hanging,
from my neck and my chain.

And the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
The hipster keeps mugging on me all night long,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl,
And the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
The hipster keeps mugging on me all night long,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl.

You carry Dior bags,
And you got your Chanel,
You wear Louis Vuitton, HG, and YSL,
Now I got what you need,
I got DCMA,
I got brass knuckles hanging,
From my neck and my chain,
I got brass knuckles hanging,
From my neck and my chain.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Written on the 9th of May.

Hmmm, such a lovely morning.. (afternoon really..) i was sleeping on my bed, loris came in and jumped on the bed.. we laughed.. we talked.. a bit.. i was still blur and sleepy.. hehe.. but it felt like a sunday morning. it's great! :)

relaxed in your comfortable, soft, smooth Egyptian cotton sheets... feeling cool with the fresh air flowing in through my window.. wrapped up in my Hubbie's Adidas sweatshirt that warmed me up as though it was him. Not too cold, not too hot. Just nice. The sunny rays shines through my window and was a signal, telling me to get off my bed.. :)

woke up with a great mind and conscience. positive, fresh mind.

decided to eat a grand breakfast!! yummm...

may not be grand to some of y'all but this is great achievement for me to be cooking breakfast ok!!!? :)

scrambled eggs.. fried ham.. baked mushrooms with butter and honey.. toasts, and grilled hot dog.. yummmmm! check it out.

watched Everybody Loves Raymond. It's so funny! i really loved it. i love Everybody Loves Raymond!!! especially after what i talked about in the previous post, i really appreciated and enjoyed this episode. it's like after watching it, u feel that underneath this family with hate and anger and controversions towards one another, being cynical and everything.. is one big loving family who'll be there for each other in times of crisis, need, and help. it's really beautiful.

to me..

i love my family. i really really do.

oh, went shopping after that. it's crazy! i'm so behind work. gotta get my butt working now!! 3 more weeks left! aikS!

i don't know why i put this picture up. that sandwich sucked big time. :(

now 2 weeks left. oh noo!!

ps i miss badminton..

pps i miss my mommy..

ppps er ge, i want my atm card backkkk!!!! ;)

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What happened today made me realise..

view of the tramstop

I was coming back to my house from the city today (watched spiderman 3, not bad. really funny!) and as usual, i waited at the tramstop. while waiting for my tram, i sat down next to an old lady as i was carrying groceries (heavy) and a bag with my books (research) and also some cardboards all rolled up. i took out my phone and i messaged my biee... :)

halfway there, the old lady beside me, white hair, old, plump and seems to be in her 60s, i think, started talking to me.. seemed like those harmless, friendly, warm types. it caught me by surprise..

Lady : (says something, wasn't really sure what she said) that's incredible.. click click .. fast..

Me : huh? sorry?

Lady : you typed ur phone there real quick, it goes click click click click.. ( imitating fingers moving) it's fascinating.. i can never do that..! too old to start learning! ..

Me : laughed along..

Lady : you could send messages like that to your parents? and they could read it? How much is it?

Me : Yeah u can. but i wasn't sending messages to my parents... One's like 20 cents..

Lady : that's cheap.

view from the tramstop (where i'm sitting down)

Me : yeah..

Lady : you working here?

Me : oh no, i'm studying here.

Lady : studying what?

Me : architecture.

Lady : (shows Awe expression, nods head)

Me : I've been here two years. ( tried to make a conversation.. regretted the next thing i asked.)

You have any children?
(i figured that's what you ask an old lady. Surely they'd love to talk bout their children, right?)

Lady : oh, no.. i don't have any. i was married but i have no children. and Marcus's gone now.. (i'd assume marcus's her husband.)

You : oh.. oh i see.. hmmm..

awkward silence..

really awkward silence..

(and i couldn't think of anything else to say!! i felt so baddd!!)

Lady : oh, when's that tram coming..?? (looking at the tram timetable screen on the left side..talking softly, but loud enough for me to catch it..) probably trying to break the silence..

I kept thinking to myself, "maybe i should say i'm an orphan! then she won't feel so bad.. but would she think i made that up cause i feel sorry for her.. i don't knoW!! stupid mouth! why did u ask her that?!??! "

view of where i get off the tram.

fact is, she's all alone.

this experience made me realise something.. i think i'll have to say that my biggest fear is ending up living alone when i'm her age. when i'm at my weakest. the time when i should enjoy myself after all those long years of hardwork.

To have a lover lost long before my time, to not have any children and grandchildren, no one who cares for you, having no one to talk to but a stranger beside me waiting for the tram, train, bus, whatever.. to have nothing in life to look forward to but ur "deadline".. living life only because u can't die... yet.

(i'm not saying she is like that. she might not be, for all i know.)

but the feeling i get when she said that..

i don't want to be alone. i don't want to end up alone.

that indeed is my biggest fear in life.


Saturday, April 28, 2007

Hypocrisy & Updates.

what defines hypocrisy?

A behaviour in which someone pretends to have beliefs, principles, or feelings that they do not have. in a simpler way, people who say one thing and do another.

Why are people so full of hypocrisy? Let me try to list the reasons down.

1. Scared of Rejection.

2. To Avoid Arguments.

3. To Not Offend People.

4. Just for the Fun of It.

5. To Solve Issues.

I could only list these few reasons and if any of u have more to share, pls let me know.

I think hypocrisy happens a lot especially when one goes through teenage life and young adulthood. Especially when one's still not secure bout oneself. Like they do or follow or say what others do or say cause they think it's "in" and they will be accepted into the "gang", not knowing if it's really them. But then again, teenagers aren't just the ones using them. Even adults use it every day.

Hypocrisy also happens when people see it as an easy way out and use it so frequently to get their way. Basically, just lie. Yeah? Everyone don't like hypocrits. They say one thing, think the other, to make that person feel happy or to run away frm some trouble that might come from telling the truth.

Here's a thought :

Nobody likes people who lie to them but then, everybody lies.

To me,

i feel that it's alright to be hypocrits when telling the truth really wouldn't benefit anyone. and i mean ANYONE. Like telling someone she doesn't look good right before they go out and they're late! (after they've spent 2 hours deciding what to wear and when she's done, ask if she looks good.) Takkan i say No? Should i say,"I don't like that dress."? It'll only make her feel less confident abt herself for the rest of the day and me looking like a mean mean friend.

Hmm, or say, u just met this friend in class and gotten a little close. say, after 3 or 4 meetings, what would you say if he/she asks : Do i look like i'm some country girl? or Did i give u a good impression when we first met? Did u think i look ugly?

I know. Who asks those questions?? But some people do.

What would you say? how to tell someone something without offending them?

But to not say something so that u won't sound mean but will help the situation if u say it....

For example, Tom and Jerry are good friends. They are invited to a party by their close friend, Snoop. And, Halfway through, Tom felt bored and wants to go back. He didn't want to say anything but just asked Jerry to say something. When he did, and Snoop persuaded them to stay a little longer, Tom pretended nothing happened and didn't back Jerry up whatsoever. I'd be pissed if i were Jerry.

Or say, another example, Tom wanted to go back so much. He knew Jerry had something to do next morning and he used that as an excuse! like, " oh, i wish we could stay longer but Jerry has a busy morning ahead. So, i'm sorry.." and made it sound like everything's Jerry's fault! well, it's really fine if Jerry had said it or if Tom's had Jerry's consent that he's actually fine with Tom saying it.

The solution to this, is, don't blame anyone. If you truly want to go back, just say, "hey, i'm a lil tired and i have something to do tomorrow. Thanks for such a lovely evening!! :)" (even if u don't and if it wasn't!) This kind of hypocrisy, to me, is accepted. Lie the best way u can to make the best outcome of the situation, not to make anyone sound or look bad.

Maybe all i'm trying to say is that everyone looks at hypocrisy as a bad thing. I think with the right amount, it's actually not that bad. It actually helps. But, use it for the right reasons. :)


Anyways, the couple of weeks have been interesting. There're times when i'm really busy. Times when i'm really Lazy. Times when i'm really like a pig (eat eat eat, sleep sleep sleep). Times when i get a lil depressed and guilty. Times when i really have lots of fun and feed my once-in-a-blue-moon appetite for some sweet delicacies, alcohol and music and dancefloor. :)

It's all good.

The pictures down there are all taken in Clayton when Loris and I decided to visit an old friend's house.


hehe.. It was a friday and we ate at this Korean restaurant. Nice food. I was damn hungry when i got to that restaurant. was waiting and waiting.. then to pass time, mich and i decided to kiss. Yes, you heard me, KISS! This picture actually looked really good. And note the expressions on the guys' faces.

Food arrived and i just stuffed my mouth with food food food. and water water water. When we're done, we walked to Coles and there, i start to feel really "kap"! i needed to release!! and no friggin toilet open at that time! arrrrgh, walked and walked and walked along shops on the way back to the house.

michelle and her aaron.

saw a small casino around the corner and ran straight in to relieve myself!! hehe.. Inside, was, freaky. Middle-aged man and old women smoking and getting high talking and laughing.. don't know if they were flirting.. they look tipsy. it just looked a lil wrong. luckily ian was there.

thanks ian! He's a gentlemaN! always is.

Oh i love pohyee's buttt! hehe.

Finally got back to the house and a lil tired.




Don't know what we were waiting for. People were cleaning, were studying(she had test, so understandable), talking on the phone..

Then, yay, Pohyee came and started serving us drinks! Ain't she a darling? after a while mich and her AARON came and join us too. We drank, we talked, we (not i) cried, we kissed, we had fun. basically everything there is in a drinking session. :) Thanks for having us there, mich, poh, and wengkiN!

2 weekends later, we had a clubbing session. I love my make up. :) i had so much fun! i really enjoy getting high and dancing! i love dancing. really really. Here're some pics.

In my room. No photoshop here. Just make up. :)

Loris, Fannie, and Yeelyn. (Fannie's first clubbing experience.)

What we were wearing.

at the club - Lavish.

lilian was there too. She dances great!

Oh, and may i just brag a lil here. I'm so proud of myself. i love just drinking and getting high to one stage and not do anything too stupid to get embarrased over the next day when i wake up but instead, a lil tipsy, have lots of fun, move a lot and laugh a lot!! No puking, No passing out, No fighting and No VANDALISING! ;)

We had a lot of fun, then decided to get home. Before that stopped by erge's apartment. (near Lavish) It was 4am. He was woken up by us! so kesian. and He was soooo nice! i wanted fries. and he actually went out of the house to a fast food restaurant and got them for me! he's the best brother ever!! hehe. love love love you, erge!!

some random pics here : at choco lounge, and sushi. lots of sushi. :)

Well, that's it for now! See ya soon!

hey, bie, i love ya! i was really having fun! Muaksss!

and missing those back home!!