Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Weirdest Dream Ever... but i LIKE IT!

The Weirdest Dream Ever... but i LIKE IT!

i watched Die Hard 3 before i sleep that night, starring Bruce Willis. i know he's older now. but i love the way he carries himself. his face. it's really cooL!

N anyway, when i went to sleep that night, i dreamed that a guy (the villain) and i were having a gun fight with each other. Like really shooting here and there, running from here to there, trying to dodge bullets. and guess what??? BRUCE WILLIS WAS THERE TO AID ME!! (couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear) heeeehee..

there were many people around. it looks like it's set in a public building. it's a big building cause we seem to have lots of places to go. wat was funny is that i got shot in the head multiple times but i'm still standing. XD finally, after a great teamwork between Bruce and me, we finally shot the villain down. HEADSHOT!

after that, all the people that were running around calmed down.. took a while and walked towards Bruce Willis. To get his autograpH! you see, he wasn't there as the character he was playing but he was there as Bruce Willis, being my backup to help fight the forces of evil! MUAAHHAHA!!.. so happy. and anways, i myself went up to him to get his autograph as well.. (i'm a fan..) he saw me, he leaned towards me and was as though wanting to give me a kiss on the forehead, or a hug or just something like that, and then... .. ... ..

i woke up!!!! wuwuwuwuwuwu!!!

can't believe it.. one of the good dreams and i always have to wake up when the good part's about to come..

but i'm still very happY!!

hehe, neways, that's it for now. CIAO!

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