another thought crossed my head this holiday and it's been very clear to me. How do you open up to someone you can't trust? i think the answer is, you don't. You just stay away. That is what i'm intending to do anyway. No point opening up just so that you can be treated like a fool right? there's one thing i really hate when people do it to me (not that many people do), i hate it when they tell a lie right, a lie that is so obvious that it is a lie, it's as if they think you're stupid! Basically, i just hate people who talk to you like you're stupid, be it the tone of voice or the things they're talking abt. anyway, ... yeah stay away and be careful!
Lately, i've also been thinking about people. How to deal with people. Thought about it a lot. I've been exposed to people who craves attention. Like loads of attention, like they'll die if they don't get any and taking any measures just to do it. or people who are two-faced and lie to just anybody. Like everyone's out to get them. One who lie about Every Single Thing. so, i was thinking, There must be a reason why i don't get along with certain people. Then, I've come to a conclusion, for me to get along with everyone, i have to accept them for who they are, respect them for what they do, cause there's a reason everyone is the way they are. So, i respect you for who you are. I accept you for who you are. I don't judge you for your past. Just respect me and don't be rude to me. Try not to lie, I'm not out to get you.
my lovely mommy! muaks!
will talk about more the next time!