Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Lake House

The Lake House

just watched the lake house today.. starring Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves..
oh don't read the bottom if u had not watched the movie.. dead giveaways of a lot of things..

this movie talks about two person from different times getting to communicate with each other through a simple mailbox. well, a "magical mailbox".. i loved this movie. so different from the real world that i am lead to believe in recently. i am talking in the "i love her and is willing to wait for her" sort of perspective. like, she's the one.. hehe.. i do believe there are guys like that but only like one in many.. or is it the other way round where the unloyal unfaithful guys are less..? (not u melvin..)

there are so many issues in this movie that i liked. for one, the guy Keanu played was so sweet to her! planted trees, took her around the streets.. (sigh) it's a good thing sandra dumped her current boyfriend. couldnt even remember Valentines day. he deserves it!! haha.. and the reservatioN! he booked it two years in advance! wow..

secondly, there was that fact that they both love their work. one's a doctor, and the other's an architect. one thing though, i wonder, when they're togheter, will they have time for one another? both jobs consume a lot LOT LOT of time..

last but not least, it feels really a little like a long distance kind of thing.. communicating through letters.. hehe..

anyways, how i wish this movie was based on a true story! hehe.. however i heard that it was based on a korean book and in the korean version, it wasn't a happy ending. he died..

yeah just wanted to share what i think.. even if it doesn't make sense. :)

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