Saturday, October 18, 2008

Turning Weird. Betrayal.

Obeservation has led me to believe that those people whose friends abandon them or have no one who is interested to be their friends tend to act weird and strange. Perhaps to get attention? I mean it's pretty normal right?? To act a little out of the ordinary when no one else is giving you attention or the treatment you need. Everyone is a social creature, they have to have someone to talk to or interact with.

In a way, I can't wait for next year, where all my closest friends will be going back home for good. Well of course i do feel scared as well. But I can finally try to make my own new friends and actually grow up on my own, discover my true self! not that that hasn't happened, but you know what i mean, experience something new right? like in foundation. :) But, what if i become one of those people who happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Where people are just not interested to make a new friend? where people are too busy with their own life? *shocks* what if it's not all that, they just hate me?? gasps! Nooooooo!!!

Oh well, I'll just see what happens next year la. People won't hate you unless you give them a reason to right? People we meet nowadays are all grown up anyways, we accept differences, no? Why you so scared woman? :) Here's another list of things i wanna do next year, for reference la k. Get a part-time job. Actually, that's abt it. XD!

I'm bored.

On another note,

I've got a problem. I am having trouble letting go. I can't find myself forgiving people who have wronged me. But not that they deserve any when they don't ask for any. But i know keeping the grudge is not the answer, so what does one do? We meet each other now and then but yet i can't talk normal, i just react as little as i could with that that person, trying to rid of any sense of closeness that there once was. Because i'm still angry with what that person did. How do you trust someone who has betrayed you before? What's worse is when you confront that person, and he pretends that he doesn't even know abt it. And he talks to you as though nothing happened.

So do we say "byebye" to such a friend? The friend that once was? Is that holding a grudge? It's more of taking precautions, no? Who makes the same mistakes twice?


yannee said...

perhaps, we all should, and will learn to forgive and forget in our lifetime because we would hope for similar treatment when it's our turn to be in a difficult position following a dilemma.

but at the same time, blacklisting people to be less worthy of trust and friendship isn't a sin because of the growing number of people that we meet in our lives, a little sensible filtering is good for us.

why suffocate yourself eh? :)

since you can't always discard ppl out of your life, just reduce their value of importance. it's the art of 'talking but not listening'. polite ignorance. slowly infuse i-don't-care and soon grudge will go away and inner happiness is one step closer to you. lol

man im so cheong hei! hahahha but anyway, it's quite fun to be alone sometimes. u get to portray different personalities sometimes and do things you'd never thought you'd do.

okay okay... i stop here lol...

Eve said...

I agree with what your friend said.

You don't necessarily have to hate them but just ignore them, see them less, talk less la.... and that's not called holding a grudge, it's learning a lesson and moving on :P

By the way, I doubt people would have ANY reason to dislike you la. So don't worry so unecessarily ;D

Tammy said...

hatred in your heart will only consume you

Chai Yee Lyn said...

thanks girls for all your advice! yannee, yeah,polite ignorance, i like that. hahaha.. yeah i wonder how i'd be like next year, i remember when i was in foundation, a comment from a classmate at the end of the year was that i talked too much. -_-

eve, yeah it's not that we still meet each other just the two of us, we have mutual friends here, so i kinda have to see that person? someone keeps inviting larrr... haha but yes, i learnt my lesson and i shall move on. :)

tam, no! me no want me heart consumed with hatredddd....! who knows.. maybe one day i'll learn to relax and just talk abt everything else but my secrets with that person. ;) juzt not anytime soon.