It's been a long while hasn't it...........

Many important events have happened since the last time I updated my blog that have led to what I am now expressing on this post. I have recently gotten out of a 3 and a half years relationship, more than half of it which had been long distance. Looking back, it really made me realise how naive we both were to actually believe that it could work. 4 years of long distance out of 5 if it were to work? Yeah..
Being newly-single, I find myself open to new and endless possibilities. Or rather, I find myself more and more like that Gigi character in the He's Just Not That Into You movie. When i first watched the movie, "what a loser.." i thought. and now, O-M-G, I'm turning into her!!! According to a close close friend, making all the first moves, being on someone's beck and call, obsessing over every little sign I pick up, basically just obsessing.... gosh. Why do women act this way??!

Tossing and turning in bed, especially recently when I have all the time in the world now that the midyear holiday has started and I always end up waking up after only 5 hours of sleep instead of the 7 to 8 hours that a NORMAL PERSON SHOULD HAVE, I am constantly thinking about my situation and why i feel that way whilst trying to get the additional 3 hours of sleep! I'm single now. What do I want? I haven't actually gotten use to the idea of being single, much less enjoy it. That is it. I haven't found the one thing that most single girls would love, the urge to enjoy its freedom. Everyone's telling me, a break up is the time to learn and reflect on your relationship, and what you want to do with life now that you are free of obligations. I have been ignoring that advice.

I know now I have to take my time, do things that I want, so that's what I'll do. Make a list of all the things i want to do this holiday, and continue to do the rest of this year. and not obsess over every boy I see or bothering my poor brother with the continual consistent complaints and demands of "wanting a boyfriend".
To-Do-List :
1) read all my AA,AI,Monument magazines, extend my knowledge on architecture.
2) cook dishes every day at least once a day (in the holidays), 5 times a week (when school starts)
3) exercise 1/2 hour daily.
4) rock climbing!
5) get my passport renewed, get a work permit, get a part time job.
6) make good use of my slr and learn of its functions properly.
7) inspired by Yes Man! I shall "yes" to things i normally say no to. YES YES YES!

I started the day feeling really down and disappointed with myself. But after 1/2 hour on the treadmill, preparing chicken noodle soup for breakfast at 10am, watching YES MAN, and a full day of shopping, i actually feel much much better. haha, exercising, cooking and shopping is indeed therapeutic. Gonna be going to my school's exhibition of the student's works in a bit.

Typed out this post a week ago. I'm glad i'm actually doing more than half the things on my list. :) i'm getting somewhere, yay!
More posts soooon. Will try to update as much as possible.